Cohousing Advantages
Senior cohousing is for proactive adults who want to live in social and environmentally vibrant community. Senior cohousing revolves around custom-built neighborhoods organized by the seniors themselves in order to fit in with their real needs, wants and aspirations for health, longevity and quality of life.
Charles Durrett

Being part of a neighborhood, a place, where there is an intentional, organized, and effective effort to create a better and more attractive place, and to deliberately create a sense of place that resonates with its residents.
Social Interaction
Living in a neighborhood where you can more easily choose community and social interaction over isolation while still maintaining all the privacy you need.
More Facilities & Resources
Having attractive and functional interior and outside common areas and facilities conveniently available and affordable by sharing the cost with neighbors.
Cost Savings
Living in senior cohousing is cheaper — a lot cheaper than the alternatives. Sharing on-site resources and not having to maintain a big house are obvious money savers. Compared to the traditional alternatives, senior cohousing can be about one-half as expensive.
Cohousing neighborhoods are models of environmental, economic and social sustainability attracting proactive individuals who want to do something about saving the earth and the human race through their lifestyle choices.
Health & Wellness
Sociologists have documented that being connected to others in community is healthier and promotes wellness at all ages.
Cohousing offers a well connected living environment where neighbors watch out for each other's safety and security.
An Appropriate House
People who desire a smaller house that meets their needs like a glove rather than a grocery bag will find it here. Houses in senior cohousing are more accessible, more energy efficient, and cheaper to live in than traditional housing. In addition, the community's common house allows residents to live big while living small.
Acceptance & Diversity
Living in a place that seeks to find the synergy in the diversity of interests, skills and personality that each neighbor contributes.
Great Food
Regular opportunities to celebrate good food preparation and eating with friendly neighbors.
Real Estate Value
Appreciation in values in cohousing neighborhoods have been equal to or higher than other local housing options.
"I don't want to be a burden on my children"
The kids live farther away than ever before. Yet these grown children still feel the need to "come home". In senior cohousing, because neighborhood life unfolds just outside the front door, one's children are relieved of having to feel like they have to "do things" for their parents all the time.
Deeper Relationships
Through the natural course of meeting and working together to better the neighborhood and welfare of the community deeper relationships are formed that add value and quality to life.
Convenience, Social & Physical
Daily convenience from more opportunities to informally share rides, shopping, exercise, etc. and not having to always drive or to make deliberate arrangements to socially interact with a diverse group of friends.
Senior living communities have been advertised as "independent living" since the early 1980s. Unfortunately, the concept of independent living is one of the great myths of our culture; what we are made to live is INTERDEPENDENCE and cohousing embraces this value. Whereas striving for independence leads to isolation, interdependence leads to mutual, reciprocal and additive (1 + 1 = 3) relationships. In short...interdependence means great neighbors and the ability to stay in your own longer, healthier, and having more fun.